Launched Online English Lessons for Elementary School Course, a correspondence course of Z-kai
Envision, Inc. (hereinafter “Envision”), an educational service subsidiary of RareJob, Inc. (hereinafter “RareJob”), which operates an English-related business, and Z-kai Inc. (President and CEO: Takaaki Fujii; hereinafter “Z-kai”) announced that they will begin providing online English language lessons for 6th grade students of the “Elementary School” correspondence course at Z-kai starting from April 2020.

Background of Service Provision
Under the ministry’s curriculum guidelines,, which will become effective from fiscal year 2020, foreign language (English) will be introduced as a subject in the upper grades of elementary schools. In particular, it has become more important to acquire a good balance of four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) year by year.
The online English conversation lessons provided by Envision, Inc. and Z-kai are linked to the curriculum and learning content of Z-kai’s correspondence education. In addition to the corrective learning and guidance of Z-kai, which have good reputations, 25 minutes of online lessons are held each month with foreign tutors from Envision, Inc. using the phrases learned from textbooks. By combining correspondence education and online English lessons, we aim to build a foundation for fluent English communication for elementary school students while efficiently acquiring the four English skills at home.

RareJob, Inc. (CEO: Gaku Nakamura), the parent company of Envision, Inc. and Zoshinkai Holdings Inc. (CEO: Takaaki Fujii; hereinafter “Z-kai Group”), the holding company of Z-kai, launched Envision, Inc. a joint venture in April 2019 to accelerate the provision of four English-language skill services in the education market. This time, we will jointly develop products that leverage the strengths of both Envision, Inc. which has outstanding know-how and a track record in online English conversation lessons for elementary school students and schools, and Z-kai, which possesses high-quality learning materials and learning guidance, and provide them as new services to cultivate the English skills needed in the future.
The Z-kai Group and RareJob will continue to develop a variety of services to provide better learning opportunities for customers.
Outline of Z-kai elementary school course online English conversation
Applicable to: Sixth grade English students of correspondence course at Z-kai
Start of provision: April 2020
Curriculum: Once a month, 25 minutes (online English lessons learned on personal computers and tablets)
Subscription fees: For students enrolled in the sixth year of the elementary school course, this service is available as a standard service without additional fees.
Press Contacts
PR Department, RareJob, Inc.