Provision of English education services for children aged between 5 to 18 years old by integrating online and offline learning in nurseries, schools and at home
K12 Holdings, Inc. (hereafter, “K12HD”) for childcare support business, a subsidiary of RareJob, Inc. (hereafter, “RareJob”), which helps people visualize and improve their skills as an “AI assessment company”, announced new management structure, business synergies and a growth plan.

K12 indicates an education period between kindergarten (K) infants for 5-6 year olds to twelfth grade students (12) for 17-18 year olds. This word was originated from the North America where age for starting education varies. This concept aims to realize integrated education that is not bound by the framework of schools such as kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school. The concept is also getting increasingly popular in Japan as the number of integrated junior high and high schools increases due to the revision of School Education Act. The Japanese education is now actively trying to offer foreign language learning for younger pupils. For example, English class is now provided to 3rd grade school children by implementation of the curriculum guideline 2020. Furthermore, the number of nurseries and kindergartens with English learning services for infants has been increasing.
Nurseries and kindergartens may struggle with securing English tutors, cost management and so on to provide English education. However, K12 English education will be necessary for the Japanese society facing accelerating globalization and a cross-sectional and new business structure is getting important at the same time to realize such education. Therefore, K12HD was established to create a new English education service to support all children at any stage of K12.
Goal for K12HD
The RareJob group aims to realize “Chances for everyone, everywhere.” K12HD is responsible for childcare support business to realize our vision in our group with various education business.

Management Structure
K12HD has 4 companies for childcare support business.
・Envizion, Inc. (Established in 2019 and will be merged into BORDERLINK, INC. in 2023 June)
―Ripple Kids Park: Online English tutoring for children. Target users are between infants and elementary children.
―Edule: Online English tutoring for children. Target users are between elementary and high school students.
・ISC Co.,Ltd. (Joined K12HD in 2023.1-)
―Nursery: Approved / Non-approved / Disabled-child-support facilities will be managed. Total facilities are 37.
―Others: Sales of educational programs, provision of consulting and childcare support for corporates
・British Culture Academy Co.,Ltd. (Joined K12HD in 2023.1-)
―Nursery / English class: Non-approved nursery and English school in the same building for from infants to adults are managed.
―English tutor dispatch: Dispatching native English speaker tutors to kindergartens and nurseries to provide lessons for infants.
・BORDERLINK, INC. (Joined K12HD in 2023.4-)
―ALT dispatch: ALT*3 dispatching business targeting for kindergartens, nurseries and elementary, junior high and high schools
―Global field: Operating an English physical school for from infants in nurseries to elementary school children.
・Envizion, Inc. (Established in 2019 and will be merged into BORDERLINK, INC. in 2023 June)
―Ripple Kids Park: Online English tutoring for children. Target users are between infants and elementary children.
―Edule: Online English tutoring for children. Target users are between elementary and high school students.
・ISC Co.,Ltd. (Joined K12HD in 2023.1-)
―Nursery: Approved / Non-approved / Disabled-child-support facilities will be managed. Total facilities are 37.
―Others: Sales of educational programs, provision of consulting and childcare support for corporates
・British Culture Academy Co.,Ltd. (Joined K12HD in 2023.1-)
―Nursery / English class: Non-approved nursery and English school in the same building for from infants to adults are managed.
―English tutor dispatch: Dispatching native English speaker tutors to kindergartens and nurseries to provide lessons for infants.
・BORDERLINK, INC. (Joined K12HD in 2023.4-)
―ALT dispatch: ALT*3 dispatching business targeting for kindergartens, nurseries and elementary, junior high and high schools
―Global field: Operating an English physical school for from infants in nurseries to elementary school children.
*3: Abbreviation for Assistant Language Teacher, a tutor assistant with a native-level English fluency.
Business Area and Synergy Creation
K12HD will provide a full range of English-related educational services from kindergarten infants for 5-6 year olds to twelfth grade students for 17-18 year olds.
Four companies in K12HD will provide services in four business areas: “ALT dispatch”, “Nurseries”, “Online English tutoring service” and “English school (offline)”.
Our strength is to provide consistent educational services by various ways such as “online and offline”, “class learning and extracurricular activities” for children from infants to high school students by combining each business in a cross-sectional and organic manner.
Beyond the creation of six synergies by multiplying each of these, we aim to expand our business by “improving the quality of teaching”, “securing and utilizing human resources for English tutors”, “expanding provision of our services” and “franchising domestically and internationally”.
Six Synergies

1.Lesson provision by dispatching ALTs to nurseries
ALTs will be regularly dispatched to “Withbook nurseries” managed by ISC Co.,Ltd. and they offer offline English lessons. It will lead to the increase of those who want to enroll the nurseries by promoting the feature which nurseries provides English communication experience as its curriculum.
2.Co-development of English education service for infants
(Nursery*English school (offline)*Online English tutoring service)
In addition to offline English lessons as the first synergy, online English lessons will be developed cooperatively as a valuable service. The lessons expected to provide as a curriculum of a nursery will be the starting point of English learning for infants. Operation of English lessons as a curriculum will be established in “Withbook nurseries”. By proving English learning achievement in Withbook nurseries, we aim to introduce this English education service to other nurseries managed by other companies.
3. Expansion of sales routes and utilization of assistant language teachers
(ALT*Online English tutoring service)
BORDERLINK, INC. distributes free or paid lesson tickets to more than 100 municipal offices dispatching ALTs for “Edulu,” an online English tutoring service based on school textbooks by Envision Inc. to improve learning efficiency. If students want to take online English lessons at home, they can subscribe “Edule”. We will also provide Filipino online English tutors working for our group as ALTs to satisfy supply of ALTs constantly. At the same time, providing a career option in Japan lead to competitive our recruitment activity of online English tutors in the Philippines and improvement of quality of tutors. Furthermore, ALTs will work as online English tutors for “Edule” and so on during long school vacations. This will improve the productivity of human resources.
4. Development of nursery business with bilingual education
(Nursery* English school (offline))
We aim to provide early childhood education that offers value-added experiences and English skill acquisition by creating bilingual educational environments, such as international kindergartens. Our own unique model will be established while the best environment and facilities for our business will be sought both domestically and internationally to franchise.
5. Dispatch ALT for offline English schools
(ALT* English school (offline))
Human resources will be successfully secured by shared use of ALTs for fluctuating needs. We aim to provide and revitalize stable employment of ALTs. Our service can be differentiated from others by offering ALTs with qualified teaching skills. In addition, the program will differentiate itself from other providers by highly skilled English tutors with teaching experience at schools and English classes where they are dispatched.
6. Provision of online English tutoring service for nurseries and extracurricular activities
(Nursery*Online English tutoring service)
The English education service co-developed as the second synergy will be offered to nurseries as a class lesson, which will provide opportunities to communicate in English every day since early childhoods. We promote the service to approximately 38,000 nurseries nationwide, with the initial goal of introducing it at 4,000 nurseries, or approximately 10% of the total number of them.
In addition, the provision of online English tutoring lessons as an extracurricular activity is suggested to parents by nurseries. Incentive will be paid to nurseries for their promotion activities of our service, which improve environment of nurseries and treatment of childcare workers.
Business area and synergy creation
Services provided by K12HD and business area are new for the RareJob group. Firstly, we promote English education services for educational institutions and nurseries by utilizing synergies generated by ALT and nursery business.
Flexible services utilizing 6 synergies will lead to establishment of new and various educational environment and realization of educational programs. In addition, the services will promote employment of English teachers and improve treatment of education providers. The realization of these possibilities will fulfill our mission “Improve Wellbeing of Children” and businesses of K12HD will grow steadily.
About K12 Holdings, Inc.
Location: 2F Kyocera Harajuku Building, 6-27-8 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
CEO: Seishi Yasunaga
Business: Holding company of RareJob, Inc.
Press Contacts
PR Department, RareJob, Inc.