Under its “Chances for everyone, everywhere.” Group vision, RareJob aims to create a richer, more sustainable society by facilitating communication with stakeholders.
Reducing energy consumption by having less travel
- All members and tutors at RareJob Eikaiwa don’t have to transport somewhere physically to take or conduct lessons as long as they have internet access. By reducing energy consumption, we contribute to reducing environmental impacts.
- Promoting paperless environment
- RareJob Eikaiwa provides most of our teaching materials via online instead of paper. We also make efforts to reduce paper consumption in our offices by digitizing internal documents for meetings, proposals and so on.
- Usage of FSC certified paper
- FSC-certified paper is made from wood from forests managed in a responsible manner. Some papers on a market may be made of illegally or over logged wood. Therefore, we can help protect forests by using FSC certified paper. We are promoting to switch paper to FSC certified paper used in our office.
Providing reasonable and high quality educations
- Providing reasonable and high quality educations to our students everywhere is our top priority. We contribute to eliminating inequalities in English education opportunities caused by regional/economic disparities, such as the concentration of brick-and-mortar English tutoring schools in urban areas and expensive costs of studying abroad.
- Our action
AI Business English Speaking Test “PROGOS®” with highly accurate automatic scoring by AI to assess English level at the global standard - Eliminating the “learning gap” in the B2School business by the use of ICT, flexible program development and hybrid business proposals
- Increasing investment in foreign EdTech startups to provide more comprehensive English education in the world
More jobs for women
- About eighty percent of the our English tutors are women. Due to flexible working hours and the benefits of working from home at any time, women who do housework, raise children, or care for family members are able to work easily with their capacities.
- Our action
Supporting the employment and success of Filipino women with high English skills by hiring of tutors working from home -
Creating jobs in the developing country
- We create a lot of jobs in the Philippines, which is one of the developing countries. As our platform allows tutors to work anywhere and anytime, it helps to increase the number of job options, especially for people living in the rural areas of the country, where stable jobs are hard to find.
- Our action
Providing English tutor jobs which enable people to work anywhere in the Philippines -
Realization of the society where people can make full use of their abilities
- We help people, such as students and Filipino tutors on our online English tutoring service and foreign talents using our recruitment and training service, play active roles in the world, while creating more places where they can make advantages of their skills.
- Our action
Helping to secure a workforce in Japan with declining population by developing programs to improve their Japanese language skills and supporting the employment of foreign human resources
Corporate governance
Corporate governance
- We recognize that enhancing proper organizational structures and systems is an important issue that we should address to make sure that employees comply with laws and regulations, observe societal norms and respect corporate ethics.
To boost corporate value in a sustainable way, we will strive to enhance corporate governance while simultaneously working on business expansion.